"Joy-fully human." Watch, listen, enjoy!
Guntars Baikovs
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Yes, thanks be to God, we did it!
If you want to gain some divine wisdom for better self-understanding (and that of others), if you want to discover God's own very good design for joy-filled and satisfying lives, you certainly will benefit from the many insights presented in this conference.
Part 1 (around 50 min.) describes the universal longings of our hearts. What we all long for, what drives us.
Part 2 (1 hour 50 min.) around gives insights in how we perceive this world (through our life-organizing stories / worldviews) and how our perception shapes our entire lives, for good or for bad.
In Part 3 (around 3 hours 48 min.) we reflect on how the account of Creation shapes our self-understanding, how valuable we are, for what magnificent purposes we are created, etc.
Part 4 (around 4 hours 50 min.) reveals not so pleasant, but much needed side for our self-understanding through the account of the Fall. It helps to make sense of what is wrong with us.
Part 5 (around 5 hours 48 min.) helps us to delight in the abundance of joyful privileges and responsibilities given to us through the Christ event, and also a few snippets of how our self-understanding is shaped by our hope in the New Creation in the age to come.
Enjoy this beautiful vision for human flourishing!
We all need more of this is this age of identity confusion, hopelessness and anxiety!
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0:12 / 7:04:13
Speak Lord Conference 2022
165 skatījumi Tiešraides straumēšanas sākums: 2022. gada 15. okt.
Creative Word Fellowship
55 abonenti
Joy-Fully Human: presented by Pastor Guntars Baikovs of the Lutheran Church of Australia.
Who am I? Why am I here? Am I good enough? Where to find meaning? …
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