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 Wisdom  Your Life –– Listen Audio! 

Sooner or later we all need to face these questions.
     Who am I? Why am I here? Does my life matter? Is there any significance to my existence? What is the purpose and meaning of my life? Do I belong? Am I valued, recognized, accepted? What hope for the future do I have?
     You may already know these questions... How do you answer them? Where do you find answers that speak to your heart and satisfy your deepest longings?
     This course offers a beautiful and rich vision for how God’s wisdom enables you to see your life and your future. Do you want to be blessed?
Listen, grow wise and be blessed! :-)

Enjoy! Grow wise! Be blessed! Bless others! Share! 

Meet the instructor

Rev Guntars Baikovs

Husband. Father. Grandfather. Son. Pastor. Author. Entrepreneur. Addicted arm-wrestler and irremediable bookworm. But above all – an apprentice of the One who Himself is the Wisdom, that is – Jesus Christ. 
Patrick Jones - Course author
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