About the Author.

Guntars Baikovs
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I think it would be fitting and right to share a few words about the Author of this wisdom.

Maybe just a few words about myself. Who am I?

Christian. Husband. Father. Son. Student of wisdom. Born in Soviet Union. With no Christian connections. Adult convert to Christianity some 20 years ago…

My background is in psychology and education, then business administration, then theology, and then more theology and then even more theology…

Also, my work experience includes different leadership positions as well as having founded and run a few start-up companies myself. 
However, this project is not about my wisdom, not even about my experience. I am not the author of this wisdom.

I am only a messenger – one who is called and sent for your sake. I have made many foolish mistakes in my life, and I still keep making them.

This project is about sharing the wisdom that comes from above and leads us into the embrace by the ultimate Wisdom, who actually is a person, and who has made Himself known as Jesus Christ.

He is the true Wisdom, who has been around since the beginning, and in Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3). Now He has come searching for us, searching for you, so that He could bless you too.

I invite you to join me on this adventurous journey to see where it may lead us, to become fellow students, apprentices and messengers of the true wisdom.

Welcome to the journey!

May you be surprised and blessed by what you discover and learn!
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