The Mystery of Men and Women. B. Part 1

Guntars Baikovs
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When Adam is created, God the Creator says something puzzling: “It is not good for man to be alone”.

We need to understand that in Genesis chapters 1-3, “good” (Hebrew: tov) is not a moral category. We could instead say that it is a functional one.

“Not good”: what would that mean? That it was not good functionally. Adam could not perform the Great Commission on his own.

Remember the great commission? To exercise loving dominion over creation. How could that be done? First, by being fruitful and multiplying. And there was no way Adam could do this on his own. 

So, God Yahweh fashions for him a helper: someone who is fully fit for and corresponds to Adam.
Think about an analogy of two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. They are different but complementary and fit together perfectly. Only with both together can we see the full picture. The two of them become one: one biological and social system, complete and fit for the greatest mission – to be fruitful and multiply.

We can see that the creation of woman differs from the creation of man, in a way that is remarkable (and a bit playful).

How was the creation of Adam described? God was described as a potter, forming Adam from the dust of the earth, then breathing into him the breath of life.

Now, Eve – that’s a different story. She is made from a different material (arguably of much higher quality). She’s made from Adam’s side. Not from head, meaning she is no higher than Adam. Nor from the feet, meaning she is no lower that Adam.

Instead, being made from his side, we see the equality and the complementary nature of this God given helper.

To be continued… 

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